According to GoodReads, here's what I've read since the first of March.
The English Novel in History: 1700-1780
Satire and Sentiment: 1660-1830
High Victorian Culture
The Eighteenth Century Novel: The Idea of a Gentleman
The Madwoman in the Attic
The History of the English-Speaking Peoples, Vol 3. (and half of Vol. 2)
The Commodity Culture of Victorian England
The English Novel from Dickens to Lawrence
The Eighteenth Century
Sensibility: An Introduction
The Cambridge Companion to the Eighteenth Century Novel
Making a Social Body: British Culture Formation
I've also been reading bits and pieces of other books that might be useful and rereading some important poetry.
What have I read for fun? Well, I took a day off and checked Jayne Ann Krentz's Copper Beach out of the library, and after this weekend, I'll have a review of it up. I've also finally got Pirate King, and I'm looking forward to reading it as well.
In fact, going back and counting it up, I've read 42 books already this year. I've also got four galleys to read and review in the next month, which I'm looking forward to.
Wow, I'm such a nerd.
In any case, all of this reading has been in the service of preliminary exam studying. So this Friday afternoon and Saturday morning, send prayers, thoughts, and good energy my way. I'm going to need it. :)
Suck it, prelims!