Despite the fact that my dad had told us that we did not need to meet them at the airport because we didn't need to have KC out, we did anyway, which was obviously the right choice. I don't know that I've ever seen my parents so excited. Mom went straight to find the Purell so she could hold KC right away while they waited for the luggage and Dad got their rental car. We went to the hotel with them so they could spend some more time with her Friday evening.
Saturday morning, Dad and I performed our weekend ritual that we've always done and went to the grocery store. It wasn't quite as early as we usually go--it was 8:30, rather than 5:30, and believe me, HEB would probably be bearable at 5:30. Then he came to the house and spent some time with KC while Mom was asleep resting from the flight at the hotel. Then we went and got Mom, and they came over for a while. Mom was pretty worn out, so after spending some time with KC, she went back to the hotel to rest some more, and Dad and Dear Husband and I had dinner.
Sunday, Mom felt much better, and she and I went shopping. She got KC some new outfits--including a dress for her to wear to church, which is completely adorable, and a Halloween costume/every day dress up. I'm not telling what it is, because it should be a surprise for people, but it's completely adorable. Mom also bought her some baby toys--the ring stacker that every kid has and a bucket with the different shapes that go through the lid.

Mom may have also bought me these. I've wanted the Wonder Woman Chucks since I first saw them, and I LOVE THEM.
She and I came back to the house, and she snuggled with KC. DH made dinner again, and I think my parents might be impressed with his cooking skills. I'm glad, because Lord knows I'm not much of a cook. (My rolls were good, though, because I *can* bake.)
Monday, KC and I went back over to the hotel when DH went to work, so we could spend a little more time with Mom and Dad. I mostly managed not to cry when I left.
KC has done a lot this week. I think this is going to be the last package of newborn diapers we use, as she's growing so fast. She's grown completely out of her newborn sleepers--both because her feet are too big for the footies, and because she's so tall that she's stretching them out too far. So she's been sleeping in a onesie and her swaddler, but since fall is coming, it's getting chilly in the mornings, so I have some long gowns that she can wear with her swaddler too.
I take pictures of KC every day to send to her grandparents/post on Facebook for family to see, but I'm trying to be mindful about how much time I spend on my phone or looking at her through a screen. I don't want her to grow up thinking that my phone is more important than she is, and I want to actually live my experiences with her, rather than simply record them. So I am trying to be not always be taking pictures. But when it comes to pictures, this is one of my favorites that I've taken of late--her daddy talking to her last night.
I officially go back to work on October 16th. That's a Friday, so while we don't have any classes, I'll be meeting with some of my subs to get records and discuss the class with them so I can get back into the classroom on the 19th. My mother-in-law will be here that weekend, and she will be watching KC while I'm in class. I am a little worried by how much work I think I'm going to have to do at home. I've spent enough time in my office in the past that I was usually able to leave work at work, but I think I'll be grading at home again.
I've got my schedule for next semester set, and I should be home each day by about 2:30, so KC won't have to spend the entire day at daycare.
And she is waking up, so this post will have to end.
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